Cancel a payment schedule
Cancelling a payment schedule may be useful in cases where:
- You want to create a completely new payment schedule.
- The patient is ending their payment plan early and owes the entire remaining balance.
- In this case you also need to cancel the payment plan summary. To learn more, see Cancel an orthodontic payment plan.
- The patient moves to another city and the remaining orthodontic treatment cannot be completed.
- In this case you also need to cancel the payment plan summary. To learn more, see Cancel an orthodontic payment plan.
When you cancel a payment plan schedule, the remaining balance is not immediately owed by the account until the payment plan summary is also cancelled.
Prepayments assigned to the payment plan become unassigned when a schedule is cancelled.
If you cancel an active payment schedule, a record of the cancelled schedule remains on the patient's record for reference. You can create new schedules for the same charges and accounts. Cancelled draft schedules are not stored.
Select the Payment Plans tab
to cancel the payment schedule
Select Cancel Payment Schedule
The payment schedule now has a Cancelled status and remains under the payment plan summary for reference
- Now that your payment plan summary is missing a payment schedule, you will see a ! beside the payment plan summary action buttons.
- Now that your payment plan summary is missing a payment schedule, you will see a ! beside the payment plan summary action buttons.