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Practice settings: patient creation

You can configure the fields in the create patient dialog.

You can remove and reorder fields, choose which fields are required before staff can create a patient record, and even include custom fields to collect unique data specific to your work.

This helps streamline patient creation while still capturing important data about a new patient.

Only Available to ICE Administrators

This area is not available to all administrators. Speak with your ICE Health Systems representative to configure these settings.

Upload a configuration file

You must upload a JSON file to configure the create patient dialog.

To learn more about the configuration options, see JSON configuration below.

  1. Go to Practice Settings > Practice Information > Patient Creation
  2. Select Choose File to find the JSON file you want to upload  Choose File is the first button in the workspace in the top left. The system shows a preview of the configured dialog in the bottom half of the workspace.
  3. The create patient dialog preview updates to reflect the JSON file you uploaded

To undo your changes without saving, select Cancel or Red circle icon..

To save your changes, select Save.

To return to the default create patient configuration, select Restore Defaults.

Find a custom field's identifier

If you want to include a custom field in the create patient dialog, you must find and reference its Custom Field ID.

  1. Go to Practice Settings > Practice Information > System Types > Custom Fields
  2. Select Paper and pen edit icon. in the Actions column of the field you want to reference
  3. Copy the identifier from the Custom Field ID field  The edit icon is in the far right column for each custom field entry. The custom field ID field is the second field in the Edit Custom Field dialog. The identifier is usually the name of the field combined into one lower case word. For example, Insurance Type becomes insurancetype.
  4. Add the identifier to the JSON file

If the custom field identifier in the JSON does not match a custom field configured in the system, the system doesn't add a field to the create patient dialog.

JSON configuration

You must upload a JSON file to Practice Settings > Practice Information > Patient Creation to configure the create patient dialog.

With the JSON file you can define:

  • fields in the dialog.
  • order of the fields.
  • if some fields are required.
  • if custom fields are available.
  • if portions of a field are hidden, e.g., name suffix, preferred language.

The schema portion of the file defines the fields in the dialog and their order, and the uiSchema portion defines display and requirement settings.


schema defines the fields in the Create Patient dialog and their order.

addressobjectAddress field for one address.
clinicIDnumberPrimary Clinic drop-down menu.
customFieldsarraySection with custom fields defined in uiSchema below.
dateOfBirthobjectDate of Birth date selector. You must include the Date of Birth field.
emailobjectEmail field for one email.
gendersobjectSection with Gender, Birth Sex, and Legal Sex drop-down menus.
individualCodestringIndividual Code field. The system generates a unique individual code for a patient even if you remove this field.
inlineBlocksobjectSection with Preferred Language, Ethnicity, and Race fields.
namesobjectLegal Name section with all Name Part fields. You must include the Names field.
phoneNumberobjectPhone Number field for one phone number.
pronounsobjectPronouns drop-down menu.

Example schema configuration that only shows name, individual code, and date of birth fields in the create patient dialog:

"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"names": {
"type": "object"
"individualCode": {
"type": "string"
"dateOfBirth": {
"type": "object"
"uiSchema": {
"names": {
"ui:field": "Names",
"hiddenFields": ["suffix"]
"individualCode": {
"ui:field": "IndividualCode"
"dateOfBirth": {
"ui:field": "DateOfBirth"

Create patient dialog result:

The new create patient dialog is much shorter than the default. It only has name, code, and date of birth fields based on the sample JSON.


uiSchema defines display options and requirement settings for the fields in schema.

For each field you include in schema you must include the field in uiSchema with at least ui:field defined.


The patient's address.

ui:fieldstringAddressThe UI name of the field. The default is not configurable.
requiredbooleanfalseWhether the system requires you to enter an address before creating a patient.


The patient's primary clinic.

By default the system auto-fills the primary clinic of the person who creates the patient.

ui:fieldstringClinicSelectThe UI name of the field. The default is not configurable.
requiredbooleanfalseWhether the system requires you to choose a primary clinic before creating a patient.
emptybooleanfalseWhether this field is empty. If false the system fills the primary clinic of the user creating the patient. The user can update the field afterwards.


Define the custom fields that appear in the custom field section of the dialog.

Only supports custom fields of the type "text", "select", and "multi-select".

If the Custom Field ID in the JSON does not match a custom field configured in the system, the system doesn't add a field to the create patient dialog.

To learn how to find each field's Custom Field ID, see Find a custom field's identifier.

ui:fieldstringCustomFieldsThe UI name of the field. The default is not configurable.
customFieldsarray[]List the Custom Field ID for each custom field you want to display in the create patient dialog. Only supports "text", "select", and "multi-select" type fields.
requiredarray[]List the Custom Field ID for each custom field you must fill out before creating a patient.


A date of birth is always required to create a patient.

ui:fieldstringDateOfBirthThe UI name of the field. The default is not configurable.


The patient's email contact method.

ui:fieldstringEmailThe UI name of the field. The default is not configurable.
requiredbooleanfalseWhether the system requires you to enter an email address before creating a patient.


The Gender, Birth Sex, and Legal Sex fields.

The system auto-fills birth and legal sex based on the gender you select when you create a patient. You can update the fields afterwards.

ui:fieldstringGendersThe UI name of the field. The default is not configurable.
requiredbooleanfalseWhether the system requires you to enter gender before creating a patient.


An individual code is always required and generated by the system but the field doesn't need to appear in the create patient dialog.

To configure how the system generates an individual code, go to Practice Settings > Practice Information > Standards & Formats > Generated Formats > Individual Codes.

ui:fieldstringIndividualCodeThe UI name of the field. The default is not configurable.


The Preferred Language, Ethnicity, and Race fields.

You can hide each of these fields individually.

ui:fieldstringInlineBlocksThe UI name of the field. The default is not configurable.
hiddenFieldsarray[]List any of the preferredlanguage, ethnicity, or race fields you want to hide from the dialog.
requiredarray[]List any of the preferredlanguage, ethnicity, or race fields you must fill out before creating a patient.


A First Name and Family Name are always required to create a patient record.

You can hide the Prefix and Suffix fields.

ui:fieldstringNamesThe UI name of the field. The default is not configurable.
hiddenFieldsarray[]List the prefix or suffix name fields you want to hide from the dialog.


The patient's phone number contact method.

ui:fieldstringPhoneNumberThe UI name of the field. The default is not configurable.
requiredbooleanfalseWhether the system requires you to enter a phone number before creating a patient.


The patient's pronouns.

The system may auto-fill pronouns based on the gender you select when you create a patient. You can update the field afterwards.

To change the pronoun auto-fill setting, go to Practice Settings > Practice Information > Standards & Formats > Display Formats > Pronouns.

ui:fieldstringPronounsThe UI name of the field. The default is not configurable.
requiredbooleanfalseWhether the system requires you to choose pronouns before creating a patient.

Example configuration

Here is sample JSON to define a create patient dialog.

It matches the system default, but:

  • hides the name Suffix field.
  • adds two custom fields for Special Needs and Insurance Type.
  • makes Phone Number, Primary Clinic, Preferred Language, and Insurance Type required fields.
  • does not auto-fill Primary Clinic to the logged-in-user's primary clinic.
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"names": {
"type": "object"
"individualCode": {
"type": "string"
"dateOfBirth": {
"type": "object"
"genders": {
"type": "object"
"pronouns": {
"type": "object"
"phoneNumber": {
"type": "object"
"clinicID": {
"type": "number"
"inlineBlocks": {
"type": "object"
"customFields": {
"type": "array"
"uiSchema": {
"names": {
"ui:field": "Names",
"hiddenFields": ["suffix"]
"individualCode": {
"ui:field": "IndividualCode"
"dateOfBirth": {
"ui:field": "DateOfBirth"
"genders": {
"ui:field": "Genders"
"pronouns": {
"ui:field": "Pronouns"
"phoneNumber": {
"ui:field": "PhoneNumber",
"required": true
"clinicID": {
"ui:field": "ClinicSelect",
"empty": true,
"required": true
"inlineBlocks": {
"ui:field": "InlineBlocks",
"required": ["preferredlanguage"]
"customFields": {
"ui:field": "CustomFields",
"customFields": ["specialneeds", "insurancetype"],
"required": ["insurancetype"]

Create patient dialog result:

The configured create patient dialog is much taller than the default. It shows new custom fields for Insurance Type and Special Needs. And now the Phone, Primary Clinic, Preferred Language, and Insurance Type fields have a red asterisk required field indicator beside their name.