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Change an expired password

If your password has expired or your administrator has given you a temporary password, you are prompted to update your password.

Not for Single Sign-On (SSO)

If you use Single Sign-On through Google, Shibboleth, or another external identity provider, you must manage your password through that identity provider.

These instructions only apply if your practice uses Username/Password to log into the system.

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Load your organization's ICE Health Systems login page
  3. Select Username or Chart Number and enter your username
  4. Select Password and enter your most recent password
  5. Select Login
    You are taken to the change password screen.
  6. From the change password screen:
    1. Select Old Password and enter your old password
    2. Select New Password and enter a new password that meets the password rules
    3. Select Confirm Password and enter the new password again to confirm your new password is typed correctly
  7. Select Save
    • If the password meets the rules, you are taken back to your organization's ICE Health Systems login page.
    • If the password does not meet the rules, repeat steps 6-7 with a new password that meets the password rules.
  8. Enter your username and new password
  9. Select Login
    • If the login fails repeatedly, contact your administrator to confirm your account details or reset your password.