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Check notifications

Beside the unread message counter Envelope icon with unread badge. there is a Bell icon with unread badge. that automatically notifies you of certain activities in the system.

  1. Select the Bell icon. to see what notifications you've recently received

Here is a summary of the different notifications you can receive and which ones are interactive.

Activities that send notificationsNotification detailsInteraction
Sending a collaboration message.Includes the collaborator's name.-
Assigning a form to a provider.Includes the name of the form and who assigned it.Select the notification to view the form.
Sharing a panel view with a provider.Includes the name of the view and what workspace it is for.-
Sharing a report template with a provider.Includes the name of the template.-
Sending a referral with you as receiving provider.Includes the names of the sender, patient, referring and receiving providers.Select the notification to view the referral.
Inviting a provider to a Telehealth video session.Includes the name of the session and who invited you.Select the notification to join the Telehealth session.
An administrator resetting your password.--