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Update a referral status

A referral's status helps you identify the progress of a patient's referral.

Some statuses require specific information before you can save them. The status of a referral also affects what information you can edit.

StatusUse CaseRequired InformationEditable Information
DraftPreparing the referral before sending it.Referral type.All fields.
SentReferral is sent and you are waiting for the receiving provider or clinic to review it.Referring provider, referring clinic, and description.Status, receiving clinic, receiving provider, linked items.
AcceptedReceiving provider or clinic accepts the referral.Receiving clinic.Status, receiving provider, linked items.
In-ProgressReceiving provider or clinic is providing treatment to and/or evaluating the patient.-Status, receiving provider, linked items.
CompletedReceiving provider or clinic have finished the treatment and/or evaluation.-Status, linked items.
DeclinedReceiving provider or clinic declines the referral.Reason for declining the referral.Linked items, archive.
ClosedYou reviewed the results of the completed referral.-Linked items, archive.

When you update a referral's status, the Patient, Provider, and Practice Referrals panels all show the new status.

  1. Select a referral from the list
  2. Choose a new status
    • If the referral is a draft, select Send Referral in the bottom left corner, to update the referral to Sent.
  3. Select Save
  4. The new status updates in each Referrals panel