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82.0 Release Notes


Imaging: Choose images from a patient's files panel and upload them to imaging labels. This includes images that were captured by a session chair during a telehealth session.
Patient Creation: The patient creation dialog uses a new style and now includes the preferred language, ethnicity, and race fields.
Telehealth: A session chair now has the ability to capture images of a video feed during a telehealth session. A patient must be associated with the telehealth session for a camera icon to appear for the session chair on any session video. Selecting the icon will capture an image and save it to the patient's files panel.
Telehealth: Before joining any session, a preview of your video feed now appears and you have the ability to turn off the video or audio.
Telehealth: Send an invitation via SMS/email when creating a telehealth session or viewing session settings. Valid email addresses and cellular numbers are entered separated by commas and the invitation messages are sent at the same time.


Insurance: When creating a new insurance administrative charge, the price type is always a dollar amount, not a percentage.
Reporting: Ability to search and report on Data Hook Individuals from document submissions.
Telehealth: A more robust and centralized framework has improved performance and quality.
Telehealth: The terminology "Invitation Session" replaced "Public Session" when defining your session access type.
Telehealth: The title of the browser tab now uses the session name rather than "Telehealth".


Documents: Fixed an issue where the data hook for gender displayed as "Additional Identity" instead of the user-entered text.
Financials: Addressed an issue where insurance payers appeared in the "Payment Made By" field when making a patient payment.
Health Facts: Resolved an error where the Lexicomp interactions check showed a warning when there were two or more medications on the patient's record.
Patient Education: Resolved an error where a Patient Education playlist would not save after deleting an animation.
Referrals: Fixed an issue where the ability to deselect columns was causing data from other columns to show incorrectly.
Scheduling: Addressed an issue where event duration was not set to the event type's units when creating an event.
Telehealth: Resolved an issue where external guests could not add new cameras.
Telehealth: Fixed an issue where the logged-in provider was displayed in the About Patient field.
Telehealth: Addressed various issues related to connecting and removing external cameras during a session.
Telehealth: Resolved various issues using Telehealth on mobile devices.
Telehealth: Fixed an issue when floating a video panel did not keep the name with the panel.
Telehealth: Addressed an issue where session was not displayed in a Broadcaster's and Viewer's session list unless the page was refreshed.
Telehealth: Resolved an issue where Viewers and Broadcasters were able to edit session settings.

This release contains numerous improvements to user experience and system performance along with many other bug fixes which are not listed above.