Provider Management: A new "Manage External Providers" permission controls if a provider can see the External Provider menu, create new external providers, view external providers in search results, and open external provider records.
Provider Management: A new "Manage Individuals" permission controls if a provider can see the Individual menu, create new individuals, view individuals in search results, and open individual records.
Provider Management: Replaced "Manage Patients/Individual" permission with "Manage Patients" permission that controls if a provider can see the Patient menu, create new patient records, view patients in search results, and open patient records.
Patient Management: Multi-select custom fields in Patient Management and the Create Patient dialog now sort the field options alphabetically, options are searchable, and the field displays more options without requiring scrolling.
Charting: Fixed an issue that hid a procedure's status in the quick edit popover if you opened it immediately after adding a new procedure.
Charting: Fixed an issue that prevented data from pulling into and updating from the advanced edit finding input dialog.
Practice Settings: Fixed an issue that displayed the new 2022 codes in Practice Settings without descriptions.
Validation: Fixed an issue that caused a document requiring validation with a grid question to show editable text overflowing the document view.