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81.0 Release Notes


Practice Settings: The ability to enable Quick Charting is a practice level setting (Practice Settings > Charting > Quick Charting). You can define up to five procedure codes that are repeatedly used by your practice. The order and display name for each code are configurable from the table.
Quick Charting: From the general odontogram you can select a tooth or surface(s) and quickly select one of the commonly used procedures as defined by your practice. Hovering over any of the codes will display the CDT code (or custom code name) and short description. You can also search for a procedure code. Procedures added using the Quick Charting feature are added to the first phase and option of the Treatment Planning panel.


Data Migration: The practice branding settings and logos can now be imported and exported.
Treatment Planning: You now have the ability to add findings and procedures from the odontogram rather than the Treatment Planning panel.


Material Findings: Fixed an issue where searching for a diagnostic finding from a secondary code set resulted in an empty material findings list.
Panel Views: Addressed an interaction of the panel view menu partially displayed behind the Tasks and Collaborations panels.
Practice Settings: Resolved an issue where a standard name format including individual code was not displayed correctly in provider/patient details.
Reporting: Fixed an interaction where clicking below the selected columns in a report template options removed the top column.
Scheduling: Addressed an issue when a new appointment created from the schedule grid that had no availability block did not use the column's (provider or resource) primary clinic.
Telehealth: Resolved an issue where multiple participants were added to a telehealth session, hiding the bottom of the session settings window.
Telehealth: Fixed an issue when the provider's localization language was set to a language other than English, Spanish or French, a public or internal telehealth session could not be created.

This release contains numerous improvements to user experience and system performance along with many other bug fixes which are not listed above.