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2021.13 Release Notes

New: Branding: You can now define a custom Menu Logo for your practice that appears in the top left corner. The default logo remains the ICE Health Systems logo.

New: Help: We have redesigned the ICE Health Systems Knowledge Base and now the Help links inside the system point to the new site.
New: Help: Existing customers receive new site URL as default Practice Branding > Help Homepage.
New: Help: All panel menu Help links point to the redesigned Knowledge Base help site.
New: Help: The Practice Settings > Practice Information > Practice Branding > Help Homepage setting now defines the base URL used for links to Help from a panel menu.

Improved: Financials: Added clinic group to the batch payments data grid so you can see which group the payment is for.
Improved: Financials: Added more robust audit logs for creating and allocating batch payments.
Improved: Financials: Refined the error message when you attempt to save a batch payment allocation that hasn't reduced the line to 0 but has allocated the full payment amount.
Improved: Financials: When you approve claims in an electronic queue, the Submit Batch button shows a loading icon and is disabled until the system saves all approved changes.
Improved: Financials: You can now use adjustments configured to "Update ortho payment plan schedule" on orthodontic payment plan charges from Patient > Financials.
Improved: Financials: You can tab between editable insurance paid amount fields for each charge line in the batch payments multi-view.
Improved: Health Facts: Medical Support System links in health facts link to the new version of the site.
Improved: Help: Spanish localization configuration in Provider or Practice settings sends users to new help site's Spanish site. If no Spanish translation is available the English version appears.
Improved: Help: The help text in Practice Settings > Administrative Notes links to the new site.
Improved: Inventory Management: Added additional unique ids to user interface elements to improve automated quality assurance testing.
Improved: Notifications: The system can send portal invitations to phone numbers that don't use the +1 country code.
Improved: Panels: Each side of the Manage Panels dialog scrolls independently of each other.
Improved: Permissions: A user only requires the "Manage Insurance" permission to see Practice > Insurance instead of both "Manage Insurance" and "Practice Settings: Manage Financials".
Improved: Practice Settings: Added additional unique ids to Edit Clinic Hours dialog elements to improve automated quality assurance testing.
Improved: References: The Release Center link in References > About points to the new help site release notes.
Improved: References: Updated the Medical Support System site to a new technology and style.
Improved: Scheduling: Added additional unique ids to Edit Appointment and Edit Event dialog elements to improve automated quality assurance testing.
Improved: Telehealth: You do not have to scroll down to see the OK and Cancel buttons when you create a new telehealth session.

Fixed: Documents: Fixed an issue that hid the OK button when assigning providers to a document if assignment is configured to required.
Fixed: Documents: Fixed an issue that prevented you from opening grading and assigned forms from Provider panels.
Fixed: Financials: Fixed an issue that caused the overpayment total to display the full payment amount instead of the difference when using Refund Difference.
Fixed: Financials: Fixed an issue that prevented fully scrolling the multi-view page when it was full.
Fixed: Financials: Fixed an issue that required a "-" in the credit field when you added an insurance credit to a batch payment.
Fixed: Financials: Fixed an issue that showed System Adjustment codes in Patient > Financials Add Adjustment dialog.
Fixed: Financials: Fixed batch payment Add Patient dialog pagination count when there are no patients.
Fixed: Financials: Removed a "No rates are effective in the fee schedule on the treatment date." warning that prevented you from changing a saved procedure's status if the procedure had no fee configured or had a fee of $0.00.
Fixed: Help: Fixed a display issue that caused some help panel pop-ups to align to the bottom of the screen and cut off the top controls.
Fixed: Patient Portal: The send portal invite dialog phone number format matches Practice Settings > Display Format settings.
Fixed: Referrals: Fixed an issue that cut off the text field in the Reason for Declining referral dialog.
Fixed: Reporting: Fixed an issue that displayed weekdays as numbers instead of abbreviations when Standard Date in Practice Settings included the "ddd" option.