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Improved: Reporting: Added insurance plan name to screening billing report.

Improved: Create Patient: Address is a required field.
Improved: Create Patient: Email type is auto-filled to Default.
Improved: Referrals: Added a save warning for screening referrals missing: forms (screening, lab results, patient information), receiving clinic, attached test photo, and patient demographics (address, phone number, email, race, ethnicity).
Improved: Reporting: Added last updated date, patient primary clinic, and referral fields to screening billing report.
Improved: Reporting: Refined null and time fields in screening billing report.

Improved: Clinic Management: Clinics are now listed alphabetically throughout the system instead of by creation date.
Improved: Patient Portal: Forms is the first page patients see after they log in.
Improved: Referrals: Enabled status transitions from Completed to In Progress, and In Progress to Sent.
Improved: Reporting: Added lab, clinic, and form status fields to screening billing report.
Improved: Reporting: Added Patient Primary Clinic to document submission reports.

Fixed: Reporting: Fixed specimen ID typo in screening billing report.

New: Help: Configure the default home page for Help panels.
New: Patient Portal: Patients can upload attachments to collaboration conversations with a provider.
New: Provider Management: Send set password invitations to providers so they can login to the system.

Fixed: Financials: Fixed a date issue that prevented saving of a new payment plan.

New: Patient Portal: Added ability to add or edit contact methods from the send portal invitation dialog.
New: Patient Portal: Added configurable email and sms message templates for patient portal invitations.
New: Referrals: You can now configure auto-assignment rules for pre-configured referrals with specific document templates.

Improved: Login: Updated automatic password reset notifications now that users can reset their own passwords.
Improved: Practice Activity: Activity logs now use practice timezone instead of UTC.
Improved: Practice Activity: Added unsuccessful login attempts to activity logs.

Fixed: Health Facts: Fixed an issue preventing check interactions from showing results in Lexicomp.
Fixed: Login: Fixed a display issue that overlapped the logo onto set password save and logout buttons.
Fixed: Patient Management: Fixed a display issue where create patient dialog bottom buttons scrolled with the dialog content.

Improved: Dashboards: Shared panel views now remember panel filter settings entered by the creator.
Improved: Patient Management: Updated patient portal activity timestamps to use practice time format and timezone instead of UTC.
Improved: Patient Portal: Added a link expired error page for patients who try to use an expired set password link.
Improved: Patient Portal: Added primary and method detail to contact method options for sending a portal invitation.
Improved: Referrals: The system now auto-fills referral type if only one exists.

Fixed: Referrals: Fixed an issue that prevented search from triggering when linking documents to a referral.

New: Document Templates: You can configure a document template to be: portal visible by default, portal visible after it is locked, hidden from the patient portal by default.
New: Patient Portal: Added ability for patients to request their username.
New: Patient Portal: Added ability for patients to reset their own password.
New: Patient Portal: When you create a new screening patient, you can choose to send a patient portal invitation via email or sms text message.
New: Patient Portal: You can send or resend a patient portal invitation via email or SMS text message from Patient Management > Account and the patient card.
New: Reporting: Added a screening billing report.

Improved: Data Import/Export: Added referral type support.
Improved: Patient Management: Customized the create patient dialog for screening systems.
Improved: Patient Portal: The Edit Form button is always visible at the bottom of the screen, even when the form requires scrolling.
Improved: Referrals: For new referrals, the system auto-fills referring clinic from the logged-in-user's primary clinic.
Improved: Referrals: Removed referral status change restrictions so that you can move referrals through statuses more freely.

Fixed: Documents: Fixed a display issue that caused user input questions to highlight the question text in blue.
Fixed: Search: Fixed an issue preventing search by date of birth in short format.

Improved: Patient Management: Opening patient management from ... on a patient card now shows the same menu options as patient management opened from search.
Improved: Relationships: Relationships search now uses standard search settings.
Improved: Telehealth: Join button is accessible on 1280x720 minimum screen size.

Fixed: Administrative Notes: Fixed a display issue that caused a scheduling force acknowledge dialog to appear behind the appointment summary or edit appointment dialogs.
Fixed: Collaborations: Fixed a display issue that squished the collaboration window of collaborations you're not a part of.
Fixed: Insurance: Resolved a behaviour that required a refresh to add an insurance policy to a patient right after adding their address.
Fixed: Insurance: Resolved a behaviour that required a refresh to show new employer details added to an insurance policy.
Fixed: Patient Management: Removed deprecated yellow dot icon beside individual code.
Fixed: Practice Settings: Fixed an issue that closed the fee schedule create draft dialog when selecting the which fee field.
Fixed: Reporting: Fixed a display issue that caused pagination controls to appear incorrectly on report panels.
Fixed: Scheduling: Fixed an issue where preloaded date ranges were unresponsive when setting recommended date for an appointment.
Fixed: Scheduling: Fixed display of search availability dialog at 1280x720 minimum screen size.

New: Files: Added a Practice Files panel to the practice dashboard. It is great for sharing files across your entire practice.
New: Files: Added a Provider Files panel to the provider dashboard. It shows files you've uploaded to your own Files panel

Improved: Charting: Material finding option is disabled while adding a diagnostic finding to a treatment.
Improved: Files: Removed ability to upload multiple copies of a file by clicking upload multiple times.
Improved: Patient Management: Customization header now hides when there are no configuration settings.
Improved: Scheduling: Double-clicking the schedule of a provider who doesn't have a primary clinic or availability now auto-fills clinic as the practice's primary clinic.
Improved: Telehealth: Updated share session link help icon to match help icons throughout system.

Fixed: Charting: Fixed an issue that caused the periodontal input dialog to become unresponsive after creating a new input date.
Fixed: Dashboard: Fixed an issue that caused an incorrectly sized view button after resizing requires validation panel.
Fixed: Dashboard: Fixed an issue that prevented editing of newly created panel views.
Fixed: Dashboard: Fixed display of panel view drop-down behind patient animation tracking panel.
Fixed: Dashboard: Panel view drop-down no longer covers the current panel view name.
Fixed: Dashboard: Resolved a behaviour that only showed reverted changes from cancelling changes in the manage panels dialog after a refresh.
Fixed: Financials: Fixed an issue that caused the non patient payment dialog to become unresponsive during batch payment allocation.
Fixed: Financials: Removed period beside checkbox for patient and insurance payment lines.
Fixed: Help: Fixed floating scrollbar on panel help popovers.
Fixed: Imaging: Fixed an issue that prevented upload from files into imaging.
Fixed: Login: Fixed help icon text background colour when login failed.
Fixed: Panels: Fixed an issue that caused panels to become stuck or not dock.
Fixed: Practice Settings: Addressed a behaviour that inconsistently scrolled paginated fee schedules.
Fixed: Practice Settings: Fixed issue that caused Save and Cancel buttons to require scrolling in code macros dialog.
Fixed: Practice Settings: Quick charting selections can only use CDT codes.
Fixed: Practice Settings: Removed deprecated permission option.
Fixed: Practice Settings: Resolved an error that prevented removal of sub-questions in a document template.
Fixed: Referral: Fixed floating action buttons.
Fixed: Scheduling: Addressed an error that prevented appointment creation for providers without a primary clinic.
Fixed: Scheduling: Fixed an issue that caused a provider's column to expand after double-clicking an empty row without availability.
Fixed: Search: Fixed a display issue that covered the last patient entry in a long list of search results.

New: Adjustment Code Practice Settings: Redesigned the Add Adjustment Code screen to clarify previously hidden required values and explain the function of the available options.

Improved: Data Import/Export: Added ability for code sets import to set: the order of the sets, if they are primary, and if they are active.
Improved: Data Import/Export: Added ability to import Vitals measurements in both imperial or metric.
Improved: Data Import/Export: Added ability to update system standard custom fields with data import.
Improved: Data Import/Export: Added useful detail to error message when importing a health fact not found in the database.
Improved: Data Import/Export: Added useful detail to error message when importing provider roles with incorrect provider groups.
Improved: Data Import/Export: Added useful detail to error message when importing scheduling calendar colour.
Improved: Data Import/Export: In documentation, removed description of settings pages available through Independent Setting model.
Improved: Data Import/Export: Value error messages now show what value is not in the permitted list.
Improved: Practice Settings: Adjustments configured to hide on an ad hoc statement must be 100% credit.
Improved: Practice Settings: Removed deprecated rejection code adjustment code setting.

Fixed: Data Import/Export: Addressed a behaviour that caused empty image templates to fail export.
Fixed: Data Import/Export: Addressed an issue that included discarded progress notes in imports or exports.
Fixed: Data Import/Export: Resolved an error where referral export failed if the referring clinic was inactive.
Fixed: Data Import/Export: The system standard Unplanned treatment phase is no longer exportable or editable by import.
Fixed: Financials: Removed an extra period displayed at the end of an adjustment description in Patient > Financials > Add Adjustment.
Fixed: Financials: Returned the scroll bar to the batch payments allocation screen.
Fixed: Help: Fixed broken to link to knowledge base article in Practice Settings > Administrative Notes.
Fixed: Insurance: Addressed a behaviour that caused the add procedures dialog while editing a predetermination to show a grey screen.
Fixed: Patient Portal: Removed download option from patient animation video player.
Fixed: Practice Settings: Fixed an issue when configuring adjustment codes that hid the value field for adjustments configured to hide on statements.
Fixed: Reporting: Fixed size of export dialog.