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83.0 Release Notes


Scheduling Patients can now receive automated appointment reminders by SMS text message or email.

  • Reminders can include a link to confirm the appointment. Confirming an appointment this way updates the appointment's status to Confirmed.
  • Patients that confirm their appointment reminder can add an event with the appointment's date and time to their Google, Apple, Outlook, or any other calendar that supports .ics calendar files.
  • Staff can disable reminders for an appointment or disable SMS and/or email reminders for a patient.
  • Administrators can configure multiple rules to send reminders at a number of hours or days before the appointment.
  • To customize the message template in the SMS or email reminder, speak with your ICE Health Systems representative.

Insurance Resolved a timezone interaction where policy details edited after UTC 00:00 were saved incorrectly in the practice timezone.
Odontogram Addressed a timezone interaction where reset dentition didn't update the odontogram properly.
Patient Management Fixed an issue where creating a patient from the create appointment dialog showed an incorrect error message.
Periodontal Charting Resolved a timezone interaction where data entered after UTC 00:00 was saved incorrectly in the practice timezone.